Symposium on Educational Guidance | 2019
Organization, realization and documentation of a cooperation conference of the local actors of the federal programs “Kita-Einstieg: Brücken bauen in frühe Bildung” (“Daycare Entry: Building Bridges to Early Education”)and “Strong Networks for Parental Support for Refugee Families” in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Happy New Ears – international congress | 2016 Organization, realization and documentation in cooperation with the National Theater Mannheim and the Children’s and Youth Theater Center in the Federal Republic of Germany
Symposium QuerGänge | 2013 2014 Concept development, financing and realization of a symposium on the perspective of the experimental in the arts in cooperation with the UdK Berlin, klangzeitort, Berliner Festspiel | MaerzMusik, Kulturstiftung der Länder and Deutsche Bank Stiftung
WHAT’S GOING ON. Theater pedagogy in the theater – I stocktaking | 2011
Event organization and PR on behalf of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Working Group of Theater Pedagogy Berlin
Workshop on the anti-bias approach “Prejudice-conscious education” | 2011
Conception, organization, realization and documentation on behalf of AWO Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Symposium “Between Crisis Intervention and School Development – Possibility and Conditions for Sustainable Youth Social Work at Schools in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg” | 2010
Conception, organization, implementation and documentation on behalf of the Youth Welfare Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and the Working Group Youth Welfare and School – in cooperation with the SFBB
Szenenwechsel3- Vermittlung von Bildender Kunst, Musik und Theater – an interdisciplinary symposium at the Berlin University of the Arts | 2008 Event organization and PR on behalf of the Berlin University of the Arts
Open Space “New German Youth – ready for action instead of violence?” | 2007
Concept, organization and realization on behalf of the Sozialraum-Arbeitsgemeinschaft VIII, district Friedrichshain Kreuzberg of Berlin
Symposium QuerGänge – 2013-2014 Concept development, financing and realization of a symposium on the perspective of the experimental in the arts in cooperation with the UdK Berlin, klangzeitort, Berliner Festspiele | MaerzMusik, Kulturstiftung der Länder and Deutsche Bank Stiftung – QuerGänge – conference folder