

Educational network “Südliche Friedrichstadt nach vorn!” in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg of Berlin | since 2013Concept development, process facilitation, event organization and micro and small projects with a focus on educational partnerships and holistic health promotion – on behalf of AWO-Spree-Wuhle e.V. and Nestwärme e.V. KulturLese in the context of the Kreuzberger HofFestSpiele| 2020Thinking workshops …

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The Children’s and Young People’s Theatre Centre (Kinder- und Jugenstheaterzentrum), in cooperation with National Theatre Mannheim’s Young Opera (Junge Oper) hold the Happy New Ears an International Congress between 20th and 22nd November 2016. It was the opening of the Young Opera‘s Happy New Ears European Festival of Contemporary Music Theatre for Young Audiences. The …

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QuerKlang – Experimental composing in schools | since 2002                                                                                                         Concept, financing, organisation and PR in co-operation with the University of the Arts Berlin, MaerzMusik and various schools. – QuerKlang Goes Europe | 2016-2018                                                                                                                                               Concept development, financing, organisation and PR in cooperation with the University …

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Playpublik Krakau

Initiated by Goethe-Institut Krakau as part of the project SPIELTRIEB! and curated by Invisible Playground, this second edition of Playpublik featured the work of more than 50 artists & designers from 15 countries, celebrating, exploring, questioning – in public, through play – what it means to live together in our shared world. “From October 3-5 2014, …

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From 2015 to 2017, the project “Program Coordination for Urban Culture and Networking” was implemented, in which current urban developments and the existing cultural and artistic potential of the Mitte district were addressed. The role and significance of cultural connections were explored and the cooperation of cultural actors was initiated. It was also important to …

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CANTIO was premiered as a commissioned work of the Munich Music Biennale in 2004. During the development of the work, the focus was accordingly on the question of today’s definition of musical theater. Away from the conventional classifications of music and text, CANTIO wanted to answer the basic theoretical questions in a new way. The …

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Debüt direkt

With the education project Debüt-direkt, we encourage teachers and students to leave the traditional classroom setting, be it at school, on the Internet or in the form of visits to music libraries, the studios of Deutschlandfunk Kultur or the Berlin Philharmonic. In this way, we want to open up a new world of listening that …

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